Lincolnshire Independents, Lincolnshire First
Lincolnshire Independents will put their communities and Lincolnshire First. Membership means belonging to a support network of independents, determined to keep national party politics out of our local government. Our shared vision is to widen and encourage the interest, participation
and election at all levels of government of individuals not aligned to mainstream parties and politics. Our commitment is the interests and wellbeing primarily of our Lincolnshire communities we live in and wish to represent and the wider interests and wellbeing of Lincolnshire as a whole.

Lincolnshire Independents Lincolnshire First (LILF) for the purposes of various Acts of Parliament and in particular those relating to financial regulation and accountability we are required to be a registered political party. However, members retain their freedom and respected right to be independent in their views and aspirations and in particular exercising their vote. Members support each other where they can, and no party-political whipping system is in
place or allowed. Members remain Independent, but not isolated. Independents work together and remain free to think, speak and vote for the communities we serve.

Join the partnership of growing energy in politics. We are asking you now to contribute your experience, your energy, your enthusiasm to make a difference for your communities and Lincolnshire. Influence the change.

I understand my contact details will not be passed on and only used for the purposes intended. I have read and agree to the terms and conditions.

To pay directly; “Lincolnshire Independents, Lincolnshire First”, Donations welcome Lloyds Bank Account no. 20551868, Sort Code 30-97-70 Use your surname and initial as a reference code, so we know it is from you. Annual fee: Student member £15, General member £30, Remunerated member £60. Terms and conditions: Members must be aged 15 or older and a Lincolnshire resident. Those over 18 must be registered as an elector at the address above (UK residents only). Members must not be affiliated to any whipped political party. I agree to abide by the rules and constitution of LILF. If I have added a donation of more than £1,500pa to my membership subscription, I understand that, in compliance with party funding laws it will be published in the Electoral Commission public register of donations.